Ports and Quays
The Enterprise provides privately-owned watercraft with storage services through the conclusion of fixed-term contracts which are valid for a maximum period of one year. Long-term watercraft storage service is provided at the following locations:
- Kaunas Winter Inland Waterway Port
- Kaunas Lagoon Quay
- Kaunas Passenger Quay
- Uostadvaris Inland Waterway Port
- Nida Passenger Quay.
Individual applications to draw up storage contracts – which will provide boat owners with berthing spaces in the relevant areas of various ports and/or quays for the navigation period of the relevant year – will be accepted and registered by 1 March of that year.
- Application form
- Procedure for the use and maintenance of ports and quays as established by the state-owned Inland Waterways Directorate
- Approved prices
By the beginning of the navigation period boat owners will be informed about any outstanding decision by the Inland Waterways Directorate regarding their application. At the end of navigation period, applications from boat owners for the provision of berthing spaces for their watercraft within the port area will be accepted until 1 November. The directorate will inform boat owners about relevant decisions which have been reached within ten working days of those decisions having been made.
The Enterprise also provides other services which are dependant upon the specific port or quay infrastructure at hand (for more information, please see the approved prices list):
- one-time slip service
- services which include car parking, or storage locations for buses or other equipment which may be related to watercraft or the use of such watercraft
- a connection to the service column for the provision of an electrical supply
- a fresh drinking water supply
- watercraft wastewater tank clearance services.